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In Defense of High Share Prices

Long-term.  By Adam. December 18, 2020. No Comments

Yes, the title of this post is click-bait-y. I’m not here to justify the seemingly high valuations in the current stock market (more in the general commentary section). It’s the proliferation of low-to-no-cost trading and the advent of fractional shares...

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Newspapers are today’s textiles: Why Berkshire was right to sell its newspaper business.

Cash Flow, Long-term, Warren Buffett.  By Adam. February 20, 2020. 1 Comment

Berkshire recently entered into an agreement to sell its newspaper business to Lee enterprises for $140 million. It was the right move, and not just for financial reasons. Taking one big public hit now is far better for Berkshire's reputation over...

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Investing for 1,000 Years: Taking the (Very) Long View

BRK Annual Meeting, Long-term, Warren Buffett.  By Adam. December 1, 2019. No Comments

Anyone who has studied Warren Buffett for more than five minutes knows that he takes a long-term view.  Up until a few years ago I did not realize just how long “long” really was, and what that frame of mind...

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